Handmade Greenwood Chairs
Handmade Greenwood Chairs
Nothing gives me more satisfaction in life than creating something that is pleasing to the eye, satisfies the senses and serves a useful purpose. There is little in this world so useful to the weary soul than a chair that provides sanctuary from the demands of modern life. If I create a chair that appeals to the senses, provides comfort and support, and elicits a smile, I know my time has been well spent.
My materials are simple – Ash, Oak, Beech, Birch, Black Thorn, White Thorn, Hazel, Willow, and a variety of fruit woods from my orchard. I carefully select the wood that is best suited to the chair I am making, searching along the hedges or in the woods until I find what I need. Then I begin the gentle process of working the wood using my hand tools.
My process allows me to get close to the wood, to see and feel the form, grain, textures, colours, and character. The intimacy of the work is reflected in the finished chair. I create chairs of all shapes and sizes for people of all shapes and sizes.
Click on a picture to see a full-size version and scroll through the gallery. If you see a chair you like, let me know using the Contact Page.
Chair Prices
Please see the prices below to get an idea of the cost for a handmade chair.

Metta – Greenwood Hazel and Yew Armchair

Side Chair
A standard side chair starts at 200 Euros.

Hazel Armchair
A standard armchair starts at 300 Euros.

Freeform Greenwood Chair
These are chairs cleft and worked from a single log, usually ash.
Prices start at 500 Euros.